Plot in Kahawa Sukari 1/4Acre
The plot is located in Bungoma Road Estate, Kahawa Sukari just 200 metres from the…
91 to 96 out of 97 properties
The plot is located in Bungoma Road Estate, Kahawa Sukari just 200 metres from the…
This enchanting apartment comes with ultra-modern finishes and interiors encompassing a studio and 1 bedroom…
Ksh17,000 Monthly
Isinya – Konza Estate is, an ideal investment opportunity in the outskirts of Konza City…
From Ksh650,000 per 1/8
What is your land investment plans after the pandemics? Pana Ranch is affordably priced and…
Sold out Ksh2,500,000 Per Acre
Premier Mews Apartments – One and Two Bedroomed apartments with:- This is a Two &…
From Ksh18,000 Monthly
INVEST IN NAKURU TODAY!!!! Phase I and II was a success and all our investors…
Ksh550,000 Per 1/4
What is there more kindly than the feeling between host and guest?